Soil Remediation
Noise Level Studies
LBP & ACM Studies
Wetlands Delineation
Tree Inventory & Reforestation Plans
Environmental Site Assessment (Phases I, II, III)
Water Treatment & Distribution, Wastewater |  PERMITINGEnvironmental Impact Statements
Land Use Consultations
Air Emissions Permits
Solid Waste Permits
Earth Extraction Permits
Tree Pruning, Cutting and Removal Permit
Wastewater and Stormwater NPDES Permits
US Army Corps of Engineers Joint Permit
Construction, Urbanization & Use Permits
SHPO, ICPR Consultations
Endorsements from Federal and PR Agencies |  PROJECT and CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTProject / Program / Construction Management
Contract Administration
Construction Inspection / Observation
Estimating (Opinion of Probable Cost)
Scheduling Preparation and Monitoring
Inspector of Record (OGPE)
Owner’s Representative for Construction (ORC)
Condition Assessment Investigations
Environmental & Safety Compliance
Technical Specifications
Construction Contract Document Preparation
Bidding / Contract Negotiation
Pre-Construction Services
Document Control
Procurement Assistance |